
“Having someone to talk to helps. Someone who is concerned about my situation, it gives me confidence and hope.”

- WERS Buddy


The buddying scheme matches volunteers with individuals to provide one-to-one social contact and practical support to help that person feel more welcome, connected with the local community, and empowered to regain control of their life.

Buddies often provide the person they support with local information and support them in engaging with services and opportunities.  The scheme is flexible and is shaped by the individuals’ needs and interests.

We take referrals for the scheme from agencies across Tyneside including GPs, health visitors and other voluntary and statutory support services.

During Covid, we have expanded our scheme to provide more individuals with social contact through this time, as well as keeping people informed on staying safe and on changes to the asylum system and support available.

If you’re an asylum seeker or refugee interested in buddying, or if you would like to make a referral to scheme on behalf of an individual, please email volunteers@wers.org.uk or call us on 0191 273 7482.