Volunteer Spotlight: Abdallah Issa

Abdallah at our Volunteer Thank You event 2022.

Today’s volunteer spotlight is all about our lovely volunteer Abdallah. If you have ever been to our office, you have probably seen him around – he practically lives here!  

Abdallah first started volunteering during his stay in France and continued his volunteering in London and most recently at WERS. He’s volunteered at several different kinds of organisations from food banks to organisations like WERS, but what first inspired him to volunteer was seeing another person volunteer in France. 

“I looked at him and thought – He's a very very good person because he helps people, he makes people smile. He forgets about himself and helps people.”   

WERS wouldn’t be the same without Abdallah, so we wanted to find out more about his reasons for volunteering and what he loves most (spoiler: everything!).  

Why did you become a volunteer? 

“I came to volunteer to help people – because of humanity and solidarity. Volunteering is very very good for me because I’m working for free and because I help people. Some people are in the same situation as me, some people are in a different situation. But it is very very good, I learn from people.” 

“Every time I try and volunteer more. Every time I have energy from this.” 

“I am interested in more than myself – I am interested in helping people. I need to give blessings to people, I need to give great time. I don’t like people sad. I like people happy, having a great time. I liked it like this for all my life.” 

“Sometimes I am tired, but it gives me energy from humanity – I forget I’m tired myself. Because every time I don’t think of myself, I think of other people. Someone is happy even if they have challenges in their life. This gives me so much happiness.” 

“When I lived in France, when I lived in London – all I do is volunteering, for example in the food bank. There are different organisations I volunteer for. I have great time with volunteering with all the people who need help - for example who don’t have money, women, men, homeless – all the people.” 

“Volunteering gives me experience in life. Now I am good, I am happy with volunteering.” 

What do you love the most about volunteering? 

“I love all, all the time. For me, I don’t have favourite. I love all. I don’t know what is best for me – for volunteering I don’t have favourite choice.” 

“I help people, I talk with people, I make people happy – from this I love all – I don’t have one favourite.” 

Abdallah with his new bike from Recyke y’Bike. He now cycles almost everywhere!

What would you want to say to people who are not volunteering at the moment about why they should volunteer? 

“Volunteering is good. It depends, some people don’t like working for free – but if some person is volunteering, they are a good person. Because number one; they are working for free, number two; they give all their energy. I don’t think of myself, I think for others. I help people.”  

“Someone is interested because he follows you what are you doing, what are you talking about with people? They will be interested because they follow you.”  

“For some people it’s natural – they see it’s good. Try volunteering – some people need to try and some people need explaining.” 

“Sometimes you’re happy and tomorrow you don’t know what life will be – but if you have humanity, it is always good for you. It’s an expression of humanity – you help people, you have solidarity. You become a good person – you have a good character. You listen to people, you understand people, you respect people.” 

“The experience, it changes you. When someone comes in hungry, you say ‘it’s alright, it’s alright’ and you explain them, you help them. And he comes to respect you because you respect him. You understand him. This is the best experience from volunteering.” 

“I am so happy every time – I am so happy. I sometimes don’t have solidarity with myself – I have solidarity with you. Sometimes I forget myself. Sometimes I am very tired, but with people – with volunteering - I forget myself.  But I have something natural that pushes me from my humanity. Sometimes I am very very tired, but something pushes me, gives me power – from humanity. I forget myself; I forget I am tired.” 

“Volunteering is very very good because sometimes in life when you help someone one day if you are in a very very difficult moment – someone will help you because you have humanity, you have solidarity.” 

“I try and I try – I never give up, I never forget. Volunteering is good – if someone is interested, if someone is clever, they follow you. You need to start volunteering. Because this is humanity.” 


Thank you, Abdallah, for sharing your beautiful story with us! WERS would not be the same without you. From the bottom of our hearts: thank you! 

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